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Summer Days

I'm writing this with the rain falling on a dark dank August day, our Summer.

For me I find I am more creative on these sort of days are you the same? The heat drains my spark and motivation to paint or even think about working and this year I have let that happen and not really tried to blast on through. This I hope helps me to reflect on what I want and where I want to go creatively. There has been in a bit of a creative slump and I have needed that time and space to work out what what comes next and it is slowly happening, the most important thing to have learnt is to not rush this process as it needs space.

I have been working on experimental pieces enjoying the qualities of mark making and of colour, composition and the freedom to change direction and ways of working. This is a real help to spark ideas and to start to enjoy things again, it was feeling everything was tight and too thought driven. Below I have added some of my sketchbook work for you to have a look at and I would love it if you have any thoughts on your creative journey and how you deal with issues relating to inspiration.




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