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Finding your way

That statement conjures up thoughts on many levels whether it is finding your way on an artistic level or on a personal level its something that we are all doing all of the time!

Since the pandemic I think this has been something that we have given more thought to than before as it was a time of deep reflection for many.

Art and creativity brings so many options and developmental opportunities that it can be overwhelming but in some ways that is the most exciting thing about it, being able to go in whatever direction you feel like at that moment. In normal day to day life we have certain responsibilities that restrict our freedoms but having some activity that is just for you is so therapeutic and a space to be you.

Even art and creativity can be overwhelming at times as because there is so much choice we don't know where to turn, this sometimes can create barriers to moving forward. The best tip I have found is to keep on working trying new things and not worry about the outcome, enjoy the journey and this way it can create so many wonderful opportunities for development. I have added a few images of my explorations recently.


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