Are you the sort of person who fills time with all the other tasks and responsibilities before thinking about yourself? Do you procrastinate about filling your own cup when there are others to keep happy? I have found this to be a constant in my journey and have really struggled to work hard at making sure that my needs are fulfilled too, it's still a work in progress and I think it will always be that way but I'm determined to keep it in mind.
What I've found is making plans and sticking to them is the best way to keep some time to oneself, but if you're not a planner it is really difficult to make that change as I keep finding out! Plans for 2024 are trying to include more creative opportunities and to take time to refresh and restore my inner calm, do you have any plans?
Let's all get out there and experience and enjoy!
I have also completed a re-vamp of my website if you care to take a look at https//
