What brought me to release some of my works this way was that I have been recently been so happy to work in sketchbooks and on paper, it has been a time of drawing in ideas and exploring new ones whilst all along being concious that this way of working is as valid as any other. I often have thoughts that the work on paper is just a pre-curser to a final piece on either canvas or board, but surely this should not be the case and I know it, but can't seem to shake off this thought.
Do you find that you have the same thoughts? Sketchbooks for me as I have said before are like a release from the everyday where I can go into my own thoughts and intuition and explore freely without any constraint. I find this more difficult when working on a more solid (and expensive!) ground, which seems to make me more constrained and reflective of the marks I make.
Summer brings so many challenges to artmaking, there are lots of other chores in the way that you can only do when the weather improves so it steals time from artmaking do you find this and what do you prioritise?
I have added my newest works on paper that will be released today at 4pm on Instagram but here they are as a heads up for my loyal subscribers! I hope you have a lovely rest of your summer and look forward to posting again next month :-)
All works are £65.00 inc p&p and are mixed media on heavyweight paper. All around 20cm high x 25cm wide